Connie has been creating music and writing poetry for the better part of the last two decades. Having started off grown-up life in strategic consulting with a BBA in entrepreneurship and strategic management and an MBA in finance, her specialty was in advising high-growth entrepreneurial startups in the tech sector. After a successful venture in consulting with several companies, Connie recognized that her artistic nature needed to be the focus of her life. Relocating to Los Angeles from Texas in 2005 (via Kaua’i), Connie has financed, produced, and released two full-length independent albums. Her skills in music, songwriting, poetry, digital design, illustration, photography, painting, and textiles are inspired by her life’s journey and spiritual perception.


Connie’s life is a rich tapestry of art, music, and words that is both informed by and inspires her journey in the world. Writing her first poem in a business ethics class in graduate school, Connie’s poetry is ultimately a catharsis for her soul. Her collection spans many styles. The poems are hand-written in sacred journals and mark the time of her travels, both inward and outward. Some of her early songs were first poems.

Her debut album, Modern Day Gypsy, is a collection of songs exploring themes of love, loss, and longing. It was written and recorded entirely ‘on the road’ spanning five states and ten studios. Upon completion of her second album, Darkness Comes Before the Dawn, Connie had difficulty singing and, therefore, performing her music. She decided to cancel promotion for the album and retreated into a self-healing space while she catalogued her poetry and began illustrating to create her first art book for children called The Naked House. These several years of being misdiagnosed ultimately led to the discovery of a 4cm very rare brain tumor called an acoustic neuroma. The experience of navigating through the medical world and facing the trauma and triumphs of brain and skull surgeries, single-sided deafness, and permanent vestibular impairment has created a new rhythm for Connie’s future. Ultimately, this journey has made her a stronger, more empathic, more astute individual who has recognized that all of her talents, all of her artistic gifts, and her depth of insight have the opportunity to reach a multitude of fellow humans across multiple spectrums of the population and to bring a message of positivity and empowerment to everyone she encounters.

read her story here



Connie is writing toward a third full-length album with a projected release date in 2022. The album will consist of 13-14 new and original songs; the title of the project has not been released. In addition to developing melodies and composing arrangements for future media projects, Connie has completed illustrations of three of her poems for release as art books for children. The Naked House, Moonpie Kitchen, and Rock in Space have been digitally released on her website with tactile versions of all three anticipated for publication in 2022. Full-spread versions ready for print are in the galleries below. Connie’s collection of love poems To The One And Back is also being prepared for publication in 2022. Connie has released some of her digital photography on her website — images from Kauai and also of the many hearts found out in the world “in the most randomness of places.” In addition to her music, poetry, photography, and illustrations, Connie is also venturing into textiles with a line of personally hand-made key chains and small leather goods. She utilizes leather, hemp, shell, shark teeth, and crystals to create these one-of-a-kind, highly spiritual, yet functional, keepsakes. Connie also plans to expand her textile offerings into table linens utilizing her heart with wings logo.




The Naked House is a story of the infinite Self and a metaphor for the soul’s journey through the dichotomy of our world. Incorporating human capacities for finding strength and feeling fear, The Naked House encourages surrender to ultimate truth and that in the face of darkness, unyielding faith is the way forward. Inspiring feelings of harmony, truth, tranquility, simplicity, and a certain sense of playfulness, The Naked House is meant as an encouraging support for overcoming adversity.




Moonpie Kitchen is a creation story for lovers and children about the magic and joy of creating family. It’s never too late for love. Displayed through a dreamy watercolor color story with soft hues of lavender, pale yellow, and various shades of blue, the imagery focuses on an abstract of the cosmos. The skies are nebulous and include stars and starbursts with the Earth providing the needed grounding for the illustrated Universal beings — two rabbits, a lion, a cheetah, and a giraffe. Meant as a bedtime story, the experience invokes a certain calmness and tranquility found in the deepest bonds of our divine connections.




Rock In Space is a story that inspires reflection, connection, and meditation by revealing a perspective of plurality, illuminating the ultimate truth of how we are all part of the same cosmos, and implying that this interconnectedness is very much by design. Set against watercolor backgrounds depicting the planet’s atmosphere and its position in the galaxy, the illustrations inspire one to self soothe through a whimsical display of emotion with vibrant blues, yellows, and lavenders exemplifying our grand creation. The darkness of space contrasts the lightness of the sun, and our planet is a grey-blue indicating the perfect blend of the two.